Parent of the World’s 5th News Agency – HUM is a privately funded Company with offices in the historic `hotel row’ neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia.
First incorporated as Human Unlimited Media, Inc a Georgia nonprofit in October, 2001; then adding corporate sister Human Media, LLC, a Georgia corporation, November 2007.
The Company is seeking its place in the international content universe committed to and known as the source for news, information and expertise from the “GEOGRAPHIC GAP™.
As the 1st news agency to develop media which informs a global populace with a full geographic picture, HUM journalism showcases the commonalities of life without boundaries of borders, age, race, sex, creed, color, locale, culture or –ism.
HUM presents media outlets, consumers, corporations, academic & government entities with a distinguished coverage source of trusted information & news products relative to a rapidly growing global generation of future-focused citizens who are drastically changing the way they access and consume content.
HUM is the next essential supply organization on the international information scene; catering to the emerging global mobile generation by nurturing a realization of future prosperity, security and meaning directly tied to the total well being of the entire world. We will transform the news and information industry by our editorial and operational example and are developing proprietary technologies enabling and allowing our partners to do the same.